Here are the guidelines for what we request from those who are a part of Mainstream Orlando’s Volunteer Teams.
It is our desire to be as clear about our expectations as we possibly can. We do not require these specifics out of a heart of legalism or demand. They were put in place by the Mainstream Orlando Staff who felt that such would be essential for continued growth and quality. We understand that none of us are “all of these things, all of the time.” We are all Christians continually growing and changing every day.

1. We strive to live lives that truly reflect the character of Christ. Whereby, like the Apostle Paul, we can say to those we are attempting to lead, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.”
2. Those volunteering should have Godly hatred of sin in their own lives and should be willing to walk away from conduct or life patterns that might have the appearance of evil.
3. Prayer, the Word, and Christian fellowship must be an integral part of our lives.
4. As volunteers, we must have an attitude of servanthood and be willingly open to receive correction. We also have the understanding that ministry has far more responsibilities that are unnoticed, unknown, and behind-the-scenes.
5. To serve as a volunteer, you must have been walking powerfully and victoriously with the Lord at Faith Assembly for at least 3 months.
6. We must be people who are striving to live by choices rather than feelings and emotions because right choices will bring about right emotions. We must also be disciplined enough to be self-motivated and a doer, not just a receiver.
7. A heart that loves and cares about people must be obvious. Gossip, idle-chatter, and coarse joking will not be tolerated. When normal relationship problems arise among volunteers or among other individuals, it is imperative that such be handled in keeping with the guidelines of Matthew 18.
8. Volunteers must not be fraternizing or be a part of any romantic relationship with those 18 years or younger under any circumstances.
9. Lastly, we must respect fellow volunteer’s decisions, ministries, and authority and be actively responsible to seek peace with everyone. We must take care of each other and remember to reach out to other volunteers when we are in spiritual or emotional need.
1. Be a member of Faith Assembly.
2. Be at least 18 years of age.
3. Attend Faith Assembly on a weekly basis.
4. Be able to serve at least once a month.
The Grill, The Scoop, The Blue Mug, Courtside
– Cooking
– Food Prep
– Register
– Runner